基督徒会选择在教堂(church)举行婚礼。在婚礼上,一般演奏两首婚礼进行曲(wedding march)。新娘走向神坛时,奏的是庄重缓慢的《婚礼合唱》(Wedding Chorus),新娘新郎走出教堂时演奏的则是欢快的《结婚序曲》(Wedding Overture)。
送交新娘(Giving the bride away)是宗教婚礼仪式上的一个重要项目。这一传统可以追溯到古罗马时期 (This tradition dates back to a Roman marriage custom)。 在那时的婚礼上,父亲“放开”女儿的手,把她交到她的丈夫手上(the father "let go" of his daughter and transferred her to the hand of her husband)。现代婚礼上,也可见到相同的“放开”习俗,即新娘的父亲将新娘交给新郎 (An equivalent of the "letting go" custom can be seen in the modern marriage ceremony, where the father gives the bride away)。
你愿否以此女人(男人)为你合法之妻子(丈夫),与你共同生活在圣洁之婚姻中?Do you take this woman (man)to be your lawful wedded wife(husband)to live together in the holy estate matrimony?
你愿否在病中、在平时心爱她(他)、护佑她(他)、照料她(他)、尊敬她(他),并摒弃一切,唯她(他)是赖,共度生活? Will you love her(him),cherish her(him),keep her(him), honor her(him)in sickness, in health and forsaking all other cleave you only under her(him) so long as both shall live?
我现在宣布你们两人为夫妇并希望你们两人幸福。 I now pronounce you husband and wife, and hope you'll be both very happy. (明明)